A few months ago I read about a wave sweeping across small businesses in the U.S. Have you heard about the 3/50 Project? I am very excited about it. Of course I am its about independently owned small businesses and I'm that! Independently owned and a small business. Since I'm not a writer or a public speaker I'll try my best to tell you what the 3/50 project is all about. What I love about the 3/50 project is that it is not just all about me, it is about me and 2 other of your favorite stores.
Let me copy from their info:1. Pick 3 independently owned businesses you would miss the most if they were gone. Stop in, say hello, and pick up a little something. Your purchases are what keeps us around.
2. If half of the employed U.S. population spent $50 each month in independently owned stores, their purchases would generate $42,629,700.00 in revenue.
3. For every $100 spent in independently owned stores, $68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll,and other expenditures. Spend it on line and nothing comes home!
If you are reading this blog I can only assume you are a fan of the store or at least curious about it. Stop in on your way to and from your other favorite stores please take note of the 3/50 Project and do what you can when you can to help us all keep going. Rest assured we all appreciate it, no matter how creative we get or how hard we try we can't survive without you, our customer.
Thank You in advance!
Not too long ago there was an article in the paper about keeping your dollars local and the benefits to your streets, schools, etc. I'm just saying "Food for Thought"! We all know the convenience of on line shopping but we can bring that to you also, just give us a chance.
Stop by after you visit Petals or The Decanter. Check out our new merchandise on your way to the Dry Cleaners did you need a card at Bellasera? now, think about your favorite stores or restaurant do you pass me on the way there?
Thank you for reading along I can only hope that I am one of your
Favorite 3Did someone have a new baby? Are you going to be a bride? Do you need something little to add to a special birthday gift? I'll be here as long as you are!
Many of you already shop here and that's why I'm still here thanks for helping me grow.
If you're curious like me visit http://www.the350project.net
Now if you have time scroll down and see why I think my store should be one of your favorites or take the time to email me with your suggestions.